
yeah its sad we got a negative stigma but taking your "to each his own" attitude, you can say that some people's hobby is being a judgmental dickhead just like our hobby is gaming. So let them stir shit up and insult us and anyone else. Not like we can stop them anyway lol. If you cant stop 'em, ignore 'em. Maybe if

short version: less QQ moar PEW PEW. Or my personal favorite "stfu and play"

@Frank: ROFL! Hard Gay! Havnt seen that character in a looong time! Thanks for making my day.

beg to differ, homes. On a big gaming rig, got a fast-ass connection and black ops runs very smooth and nice.. but i can complain because the game is not fuckin fun. i pay 60 bucks i want something fun, but i fell for the hype and got screwed. lesson learned.

hehe yeah BFBC2 ftw. and as for getting a cheap copy of blops... dont waste your time or money, even for used. Trust me. All the face-paint customization in the world wont fix that digital turd

yeah well when someone pays 60 bucks for a game they want to just put it in the console/PC and fuckin play it. Nobody wants to download patches, fix router ports, upgrade their internet, and basically fuck around and waste half a day reading what other dickheads like you tell them to do on tech support forums when

Even if it did connect, there are more reasons to NOT play it. I spend 60 bucks on this on STEAM for PC.. yeah no returns or trade ins or even giving it to a buddy, and i just fuckin hate this game. I i have over 250 hours clocked on MW2 multiplayer and for all the hackers and bug exploiters and lack of dedicated


she was in some cheer leader movie as a dancer. saw it on TV a while back. shes hard to miss, shes the really pale one lol <3

LOL good question. I say yes; and if i die... oh wells

she is just too damn cute. i would love to play some split screen with her... and Summer Glau. And Nathan Fillion, why the fuck not. its my damn fantasy!

well played sir

how dare youuuu compare them. I wanna see Felicia Day stop Olivia Munn's face with a pair of Link's Iron Boots he uses to walk under water

yeah... when you are a female shepard and have to choose between Jacob, Garrus and Thane... you choose MIRANDA

yeah.. haters gunna hate, but they should go hate where nobody can hear them and gtfo internets.

everyone has a different taste. but shes a gamer, actor, been in BUFFY and shes very very easy on the eyes. Even without the looks- if you are a geek, you should be in love with her. And if you are not a geek, gtfo Kotaku and don't speak ill of this woman in public

Signed signed signed! <3 HER

myself and all of my fellow Diablo-ers agree that the colors are awesome! Yes i wanna explore around and see different textures and colors to make me feel like i am actually exploring a living world, instead of an oil painting. We've all seen the inter-dungeon gameplay and you can see that there will be a contrast

now they know how i feel about the new gawker site layout. gettin used to it.. slowly

agreed. never forget the former awesomeness of sonic. Hope hard for awesome sonic's return thats not on a "sega genesis classics" disc!