
@Link2010: yeah i am agreeing with giving jimmy money. he uses it for simple things that dont matter to anyone else. Its giving the evil coporation that will kill baby animals i got a problem with, and yes.. they are the cutest and fuzziest animals you can imagine. and their blood is used to power the computer that

@BiddyBalboa: nah.. it was way too linear and boring man. I guess it signaled the new shift but that doesnt mean i gotta like it. Same generation Square game that is actually good: Kingdom Hearts. I'm sorry but serious lack of exploration, story that was just a little toooo out there and blitz ball.. oh and i went and

@SkyHawkMkIV: i also have a backpack o' tech shit and my psp2000 in its nifty soft case gets tossed safely into the bottom. The only thing i dont like about my psp is how sore your wrists and hands can get playing it, this one looks a LOt more ergo and comfy

@Clutchman83: /sarcasm yeah the terrorists are dialing in their headshots and their techniques for how to pull out a knife unrealistically quickly by playing some CoD

you know.. i could get into this, but there is so much fail here that i will just say this:

@MrVakarian: if you wait you can get games cheaper. if you want it THAT bad first day, dont you think thats worth 20 bucks? Better than when we were kids and had to wait till xmas or birthday to get a game that all your buddies already have lol

@Link2010: i agree, yeah! and finding new copies of games that are not around anymore can be quite a chore. Remember Metal Arms: Glitch in the System? What a fun-ass xbox game. Anyway, sometimes to bolster our collections, or to re-live memories of a really good game you rented many years ago, you have to resort to

try to download pirated game, cant get it to work, download several other versions, they don't work. Get annoyed and just buy the game. I'm sure it's happened to many not so techy people trying to save a buck. If you think about time as money (which you should these days) the amount of time it would take you to fail

combat forcused movement... running from cover-to-cover while laying down supressive fire on the enemy to cover yourself? Not a single step is taken without unloading!

haha niiice i remember Manx TT. i got it for PC after playing the arcade version. I ive in canada, so the real life bike doesnt get out nearly as often as i would like

@goatonastick: i agree. i want to try RDR but.. i have a PS3 and PC. usually the cooler xbox games get released on PC, too, so i never really miss out. but no RDR :(

@kencosgrove: and you are only half way thru.. you just wait! It gets more awesomer as it goes.

now thats a GotY list i can agree with. Every year theres a new GTA game its GOTY. PC GOTY: GTA! PS3 GOTY: GTA! Xbox GOTY: ... GTA! and now that theres no new GTA they make Red Dead GOTY.. which from the same studio and its just GTA in the old west. yes these games are fun, but it makes me sad that the same BS keeps

rofl. you can drive when you're 7 in japan

@Tekshow: Well said man. Finally somebody on here that doesn't reply with yet another "your argument is invalid" and some insults. Here's hoping more people wake up and smell what's going on with our world

YEAH macho man! i got your rap CD! you are so awesome! haha serious i have that CD and its the most retarded and awesome thing i've ever heard

Even if it doesnt work super great, this is still a very cool idea. Almost like the Power Glove of today. Props for making a product that i look at and think "i would never ever get that but damn thats a cool idea"

@db4dbms: i have the PC version of the first and still cant bring myself to beat it. i am maybe halfway through, but after playing WoW for years and getting sick of it and quitting, this game feels too much like it and find myself thinking "man i wish i was playing an FPS right now" lol. DA:O is a really good game..

if this turned to ME with swords.. i would buy the CE. thats what i was betting on. Looks cool in "action mode" but i'm going to bet a harder fight would need more of the pausey gameplay

i am such a SUCKER for these things! other than the fact that the helmet didnt come off so i could see my Shepards pretty face when she spoke, i LOVED the Blood Dragon armor in ME2 :)