
@Cheese Addict: no you are not alone there. With a creative title like that, a simple "rip 'em in two!" move seemed like a let-down

the one i submitted woulda been way cooler! it was a crazy kill against a lurker (baby necromorph) that included a struggle where you rip one of its blades out of yourself and use it to give the lurker a taste of its own medicine. but i didnt make a lil flash video cuz i have no idea how to do that! Oh well, grats to

@Karkelo: nope. it was directed at the general public lol. sorry for the misunderstanding

no, Tiger, nooooooo!

@DJ Schway: and instant is even more awesomer. it'll happen one day.. no more loading screens on games, no more booting up. i hope i'm still alive when they figure that out, then it gest stale enough that its not retardedly expensive

and i just got new freakin ram! lol this sounds very cool, although it doesnt

[Send Dogmeat after her] "Sic 'em boy!"

@SageofMusic: shoulda zoomed right up in her face too lol

@Karkelo: i was agreeing with said that someone who starves themself loses body mass through muscle loss instead of fat loss and think they are doing well. And ranting that people have no idea and think that as long as their body weighs less they are more healthy.. geez way to go off on a guy who agreed with

@Karkelo: arg! WHY do people relate weight to being fat!? this BMI bullshit takes a person's age and height and tells them how much to weigh. What if the kid is build like a brick wall, huge muscles and isn't that tall. Well even if he's in the best shape of his life, he is technically overweight. Muscles weigh MORE

@Tekshow: you are ABSOFUCKINLUTELY RIGHT! It's more like all these studies are to find what is to BLAME. So yeah lets say in the most horrible parallel universe ever they found that the second a kid touches a PS3 or Xbox contoller they get fat.. so are they going to outlaw videogames? I guess in that universe it's

you can say that kids get fat when they sit around all day and play games and don't feel like they have time to feed themselves so they eat tasty junkfood.. but it's true. it's also true that they get fat if they sit around all day and go on facebook and eat junk.. or sit around all day and read a book and eat junk,

@Chibby: thats very true batteries are not cheap. nobody seems to run AAAs anymore, its all lithium pollymetal ionic supersonic hypercharge super pikachu thunderbolt cells. And making tech smaller is usually more complex and therefore more expensive, but i was just trying to point out that i can have a big huge

@Manly McBeeferton: didnt read it all.. but to your first few comments, imo a wii or any other console should cost more because they are bigger, have more stuff, SHOULD be more powerful hardware wise, come with controllers (at least 1) and tons of cabling, more Manuels then a spanish phone book, a big fancy box,

@i am the bull god 4: other than some of the more urban style stuff of FFVII i think this is going to be the most "down-to-earth" material i've seen form Final Fantasy.

i got FF XIII and played the first 2 hours and never touched it agian, also been ignoring everything final fantasy related.. so i am confused about wth final fantasy XIII versus is. It does not seem to be final fantasy XIII at all (and i would freakin hope not). Why not call it something else? The current title makes

i don't think games are finished evolving with the current hardware yet. we've all seen it happen 100 times. A game comes out for your sega and you think "the graphcs cant get blast processed any more blastier than this!" then it does. I see games on ps3 and 360 getting bigger, smoother, perttier, and not to mention