Uh oh, someone got twiggered. I’ve got a safe space you can use if you want to cry out all your angries.
Uh oh, someone got twiggered. I’ve got a safe space you can use if you want to cry out all your angries.
It’s too bad, you know? For all the lives Boeing’s recent crashed planes have claimed, they could have earned back a lot of good will if they’d just crashed *one more* plane.
Well they moved the goal posts on that one quite a bit… the “$40k” Cybertruck doesn’t exist, the “base” model is now $80k… or in Tesla speak “$74,490 after 5 years of fuel savings”.
Like the people who voted for the orange menace, Cyberturd buyers are due for some epic buyer’s remorse.
You see what you want - I see a snakey snake eating a dude.
I really would love a 3row SUV
I can still remember when we were widely promised that the revolution of the EV “skateboard” platform would allow for increased diversity of body styles….
“hey, you know how we had fun with the New Beetle interior, and how fantastic of a job Fiat has done with the retro and cheerful interiors on the 500s? Don’t you fucking dare do any of that shit” - some design executive to his interior team, apparently.
The $70k price seems stupidly high... until you price other minivans. A Sienna Platinum is over $60k (it’s easy to hit $65k with the options) and a base model is $41k.
This is such a letdown. I was planning on putting a deposit on one of these once they were released - my wife is up for a new car, she specifically wants an EV, she likes minivans, loves the styling of this, and she owns an arts + crafts store which would look great with this parked out front with a two-tone scheme in…
This vehicle is antithetical to VW. There is no such thing as a $70k “people’s car”. VW has always offered style at a premium but within their own models that uniquely styled vehicles have never been significantly more expensive than the platforms they were based on. The new beetle certainly had unique styling and…
This was very confusing. I cam to see the “Worst New Car Deals” and ended up reading something about the worst new car dealer markups. These are not the same thing.
700lb less than stock? Were there a few bodies in the trunk? Also, all this money spent to “reimagine” the car - couldn’t they have imagined a gas strut to hold the hood open instead of jamming grandpa’s cane in there?
You know what would be that kind of a car in today’s market? Chinese EVs...
First Gen Kia Soul.
Yep, the latter EVs are not suitable for. That’s why EVs designed for city use have largely been a failure, because in the city most likely you have street parking with no practical way to have overnight charging. Another common use case for cars in the city is to use them only for longer trips or when you need to…