Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

@AnotherHalfAsleepDeadGuy: Ha, I bet that was exciting. There's an Art Teacher here that does absolutely amazing car work. I can give you the link if you want, it's brilliant. I just don't want it to feel like I'm "advertising" on the site, he's just really really good. Either way, he's been teaching me to draw as

@Straight6er: You always have to try new things.

I really wish I could hear Audi saying their new vehicle can "Slow Down" to 700 mph. You could run your Ex-Girlfriend over in Two and a half seconds!

Is he up for auction?

But if you buy it in bulk you can get 300 gallons for $59!

My uncle just sent me a text yesterday that he traded his Lotus Elise for a CX-9. I was so scared. One, because he would have traded in his Lotus, and two, because if we were in Canada, he would've been scammed. We're not in Canada, which I realized, but I am not disputing a $100,000 bill for a Mazda CX-9 and 3,000

They still do, Uncle Sam, they still do. Provided you know where to look...

@layabout: I usually strap em to the Wing. It kills the Aerodynamics of course, but if it keeps Elin at bay...

The red spots are where you can get 3G coverage on Verizon, and the green spots are where you can access a T-Mobile hotspot right?

Why is there a line going through this NASCAR track Uncle Sam?

Oh, I've been traveling on this road too long...I'm just trying to find my way back home...but the Nav system doesn't work...doesn't work.

Pft...none can surpass the mighty Bangle Butt.

It's like running over people in your house. Except my house doesn't have that much leather.

I bet he had Manly Babies and eats his Manly Eggs with his bare Manly Hands.

@Baby beater Benz: Or he's Ray Wert about to perform his daily routine servicing.