Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

KIA stands for Killed In Action, but one thing they're not killing is fun, trust me.

Well, everything I learned about "Car Maintenance" I got from this guy...does that make me a bad person? Or am I just picking the wrong Jedi Master?

You wanna see my 'real' gun? Just get 50 bucks, the ATMs that way. We can use the back of this car...

That's adorable.

"Boys will be heavily-tanned boys, right?"

Cute? Who the hell are you callin' cute?

I could summarize this in three steps really: Sell fast cars, Make lots of money, spend on gift basket to get Schumi back.

@Blyr: Well yeah, like MapleStory is fine, but in particular, ugh...

@Josh: Well, what there is to know is that your point of a "Corvette Lookalike" was proved invalid, and exposed a flaw in your logic.

This really brings me back. Can a guy get some sympathy for not having a GB/GBA anymore? I really miss RBY, and FireRed's fun, but it was the black and white/pale colors that kind of gave it that special touch. It was that nostalgia and that feeling like you were in the game, like you wanted to be that character, you

Oh god, not more of this, please...

@Sustenance: I've got some ideas for a technology-driven future, but I think they might just scare people. Not that they're "creepy", but just maybe too advanced for what society is comfortable with.

Well, when it comes time for me to buy my car, I know myself and the rest of my friends here will want me to use this test. Because a car for me is more than a car, it's a friend, but that just might be because I have more friends on Jalopnik than in real life. I need to get a hobby...Congrats!

@Sustenance: That's good. Now 3D contacts that doubled as prescription, there's a good idea.

@irishman72: I'll get a 'Shop Imaged if I have's killing me right now.

Straight to your Thighs: Win 20 fights with Chun Li.