Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

I hate 3D glasses because most of them don't fit over my regular glasses, which makes for a very irritating experience. If only I had contacts...

Bravo mate, bravo. But seriously, easy on the Tequila, I hear those Barbie Racers oversteer like crazy...

You mean what am I doing now, right? Obviously Matt posts without giving consideration to my age, but hell, after that Pirelli calendar, I'm not complaining.

Great, and I was just wondering if that was possible. The Pagani Veyron 16.C9 is now available for pre-order.

Yeah baby!

I prefer one of these, but only because they're pretty damn cool and probably easier to fly/sail.

Sweep up the competition with the DAKAR Rallymaster Mark III. Now with working engine.

I wish secretaries could file these instead of their Bosses medical reports. I'm tired of reading how many times a CFO got a Kidney Stone in the last 3 months...

Let's not let these guys get their hands on a camera and a car again...

Clearly they couldn't fit enough Icons for this...

@notfitforhumanconsumption: I actually do see your point. Which makes my imagination invalid because I'm imagining a roller skate, not a car.

Christian: "Just Smile and nod Christian, don't notice his bald spots. I just wish the bald spots weren't on his face..."

A Quick little Sport might work, but it'll be really expensive...ask him, he knows.

I actually kind of like this, but the original wasn't bad per se, just kind of brutish and troll-like. And I mean come on, who doesn't like trolls?

Does it matter?

Unfortunately, I can imagine a full Chinese Car, and it is not pretty at all.

Where's the part where they inject pure Testosterone into the Pistons? I don't think you have a picture for that one.