@tonyola: That friend with the 206K mile one got his for $900 flat. I guess it's really the situation that it depends on. I've heard people get Miatas for $1,500, but the lowest I've seen lately has been in the High 2's and low 3's.
@tonyola: That friend with the 206K mile one got his for $900 flat. I guess it's really the situation that it depends on. I've heard people get Miatas for $1,500, but the lowest I've seen lately has been in the High 2's and low 3's.
Well they're certainly not clueless on how to race, that's for sure!
Congrats, and even though I'm a Vegetarian, Chicken and Waffles sound pretty good.
@KAdams1476: Yeah, I've heard a lot of these cars were great, but the crap cars were in favor unfortunately. I do love the 288, it's just beautiful. And the Celica was awesome.
@Wolfy Kovac: I would've gone with a pearlescent black myself.
@KAdams1476: Yeah, I'm going to try and avoid anything Malaise-esque. Although the Audi Quattro of the 80's was pretty damn good I hear.
This brings me back to a time I wasn't alive for. Does this mean Murilee's discovered a Time Machine?
@Psiu! Puxa!: You're right, Mopar or no car!: Yeah, they must've done a lot of mod work, and it all worked out really nicely. Porsche could get a lesson here. Or at least make an aftermarket kit, because that is something I would really like, if not the lights for street use.
That Porsche is ridiculously cool, and I don't know why. Maybe it's the red eyes...
Oh yeah Owen? Well now you work for the best Gamer Site ever, and he's still stuck teaching little children, while you're teaching equally immature but still older Gamers about the differences between Heavy Rain and Deadly Premonition. So don't worry about it, I know plenty of my Indian Friends who got a lot worse…
DOTS has never been my interest, but this car just looks so 50's/60's retro I love the aesthetics of it all. Nice Find bro.
@The Dead Inside Group of Companies Limited: Haha, yeah, I'm just finishing up an Essay for English and watching a Giant Bomb Endurance Run, so I really can't sleep haha. Just proves Jalopping is fun for any time.
Well I have to say, that Neon's probably in the best condition I've ever seen one in!
Now there's dedication, good for you Police Brutality.
@87CapriceEstateReplacedBy95Voy...: You set off the Pauljones Signal...
#8 is pretty good, congrats to all.