That'd be really creepy to walk into a room, turn around, and see a giant blue man attacking your mantle.
That'd be really creepy to walk into a room, turn around, and see a giant blue man attacking your mantle.
If this is a Tornado why can't it just blow away where I don't have to see it?
@CahbonFiabah: She's overdressed though.
@87CapriceEstateReplacedBy95Voy...: Are you familiar with a facepalm?
@87CapriceEstateReplacedBy95Voy...: Yes guys, Good Looking women on my volcano.
Not a big fan of the PSP Go, online game buying only means no used games for sale, and I'm cheap as hell like that.
@vavon205: Don't edit that post! I may need the words when I get into an argument when "C'est tres cher pour ce cafe!"
@vavon205: It's a good thing my French Teacher has morals or else I wouldn't have had to google translate that...sheesh.
@vavon205: Not unless by men you mean women.
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Ouch, I just thought of my own nails and shuddered...
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Haha, in due time perhaps. I'm not complaining about it, I'm just glad I'm liked here. Plus I'm really happy for Lotte, starred and COTD on the same day! Plus he loves planes, which makes him alright in my book.
I can probably fix the Converter, but then again, he's French, so maybe it got intimidated.
If only I could make it...RIP man, I hope God has a Fiero just for you.
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Or one 45 minute Java class, but it was definitely worth it. You can FedEx my star whenever you're ready. :P
@Wolfy Kovac: No, no you have not. Are you mesmerized yet?
@Mr. M: Yeah, that is true. One think I've disliked about the M3's (Probably the only thing, in fact) is their weight. Honestly they're 200 pounds shy of Veyron chunky but their power to weight is matched by a 35,000 dollar Stang? Something isn't right, but that luxury often weighs a lot. To be fair, they could…
@twitchykun(lvl. 75 JDM Hoon): Well yeah, but you can tell by the end that mood changed...quite a bit.
@$kaycog: You're welcome. :D