Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

I wish I could have glowing brakes, all the time...

@Jack Schuleman: They'd get jealous and try to run into the wheel, am I right?

Hey, I've got my reason to not Drink, as long as someone gives me $109K to pay for it I'll be sober for life, or at least until I crash.

@Elhigh: Kind of a grainy picture, and I probably wasn't old enough to see this in person, but I do understand what you mean, it's stunning.

@protomech: It is possible to have the best of both you know...

Wow. As a Plane and Flying lover I can't help but adore this comment. I agree 100%, out with the Beige! As your reward, why not try this SR-71 Blackbird on for size? I'm sure it'll be a hell of a lot more fun than that stupid 737.

Let's not forget this little video in our tribute to my favorite Car Guy ever.

I have absolutely nothing to say...Rest in peace man, maybe hooning's allowed in the afterlife, we're thinking of you.

@teknoboy66: Congratulations then haha. If I had a cookie, I'd give it to you.

@teknoboy66: I wouldn't know, you'd have to ask my brother. Here's Texas Speedway, for accuracy if you want it haha.

I really get this, I do. The problem is, when I'm playing Halo or Uncharted 2 or anything really, it's a lot more precise than what appears to be on TV, and it's irritating.

Nothing that can't be solved with an even bigger crane I say.

"Why do these people always have southern accents?"

I salute you brave Plane south of London, you are respect-worthy. Though your country is mostly abandoned in the skies, you trek on, and onwards to your destination you will reach. Just please don't drop Volcanic Ash by my house, I already run (Or rather, collapse and crawl) the mile in 12 minutes without breathing

What, so you guys like him better as the "Jalop-kid" now? Unfortunately I don't have the fortune that he has that I can do this, but hey, I speak English!

Child Labor never seemed so convenient.

If you look really hard you can actually see a used copy of "Mario and Sonic at the 1966 Olympic Games", which frankly wasn't a commercial hit.