Lord Dr. Nürburgring III, Esquire

Is that a chinstrap on that girl I see? Good to know Japan's finally becoming normal...

A hell of a lot of the time I don't like my parents, but I don't know what I'd do without them, because down inside everyone loves their family. Some of these comments are either insensitive or just desperate attempts at trying to be funny. I'm kind of worried at what the world's become, because the next time we have

@fastmov4: Or maybe...I mean c'mon, it's already racing!

I really don't think this is gonna be enough, someone buy the hose attachment!

@BullittFan_Førds4Life: Reløaded: Or the interestingly stylish John Deere retro one. Problem is my dad said I'd be racing it more than I'd be cutting grass with it, and he's not wrong.

Sure they're cool and all, but can they do this?

You really don't wanna know what happened to the me, it's not pretty. The last time England shut down their airspace I thought Tony Blair just used all the Sick Bags.

The new VW Constellation: When you're a stylish nightclub near the 'Ring.

Not for that price...sorry.

@mechimike: There we go, The Drive for Five never sounded so fun!

@MushyHeirloom: Yeah, and Vavon both, you guys understand. What I'm saying is, I could be in a DB9 and put that sign behind the car, but that's just gonna make me a huge tool.

@particle_man: Ahaha, dude, you rule. I need to do this now.

@RäcinG73™: I feel like Dale was kind of his mentor, and even though Jeff's been having a tough time on the track lately, I know he's a great driver and an even greater guy.

@Shamoononon: Thanks, I think, haha. And one day I'm gonna be a great driver, and drive to California, and come to your house. And put a burning bag of dog poop on your front door. Or maybe just say hi, depending on if you're still afraid of my driving.

@Carplanetzøne1 - Cømment. Like. A. Bøss.: Thanks! I remember my first Rants, although I forget what the first one was, the second was getting confused in a Porsche dealership. It was pretty damn confusing, I tell you what.

@west-coaster: You gotta respect Dale, but that really is just stupid.