
Ohai! Dan Brown! Didn't know you were a Jalop, too!

Wait, that means "Danger! Force-field grid low!" Right?


You sir, get not only a +1, but the Jaunty Hat Tip of the Day!

Insert Inception comments here ...

PS4: "Puny god ..."

Huh ... I actually like her original design. Except for the eye tat. I never finished the game (lost interest around the ship level); too repetitive. Maybe I'll have to go back and revisit it, again?

This has pretty much made the decision for me. None of the pressing questions were answered, just swept under the rug. And $499.00?! Five years ago, maybe you could get away with that. But today, when a new smartphone and tablet are competing in the same marketplace, dropping $500 on a home-entertainment system seems

He corrected himself and said "£429.00 in the U.K.," if that helps any. But yes, $499.oo and €499.00 seem to be set.

I actually think this is a good thing (not Sessler's firing, but his newfound freedom). Television is, FINALLY, a dying format. Even now, Verison and Cablevision are admitting that bundle packages are losing them money, since people want (and will pay for) only the channels they enjoy watching (not, you know, each

Ah ... still, was the only one I could think of.

Pssst ... Suzuki. Yep, that Suzuki.

See, the reason I love these death scenes (and the new "Tomb Raider," in general) is NOT just to see Pretty Chick Killed Creatively. What is has done is reinforce the connection the player has to Lara — I cringe because I'm experiencing that death scene in a visceral way.

As a railfan, I'm appalled that they anthropomorphized an EMD F7 (the one shown in the lead-on .gif). The E- and F-series trains are the iconic predecessors of modern American diesel-electric engines.

IMPORTANT EDIT: I was NOT soliciting prostitutes or children ...

I just realized, now, after re-reading this, that I might sound like I'm looking for pity. That IS NOT what I want; do not misinterpret, please. I simply wrote this out because this article touched a nerve, and I felt I had to write this out. Sorry if this has offended anyone, especially other Mormons. If you are

TL;DR ... My own personal experience as an ex-Mormon.

Hmm ...

"Standard, shoddy website journalism recipe, born out of a desperate need to increase click-thru rates to support advertising revenue ..." Hmm, that sounds familiar ...

+100. AND ... the coveted Jaunty Hat Tip of the Day!