
So white, straight, Christian men shouldn't have their demographics posted, either? Or is this just a special case for trans people, who should be regarded as more special than others?

Because denying male violence against women and animals is putting blinders on yourself and refusing to name the problem. It's always "violence against women" or "cruelty to animals." Whose violence? Whose cruelty? The answer, a HUGE majority of the time, is men's. Men's violence. That is the problem. Referring to

It is kind of amazing the lengths that women will go to for male gaze approval. People who actually enjoy sex acts don't need to go on and on about how much they really love it, no, they super love it (but not for more than 7 minutes, MAX!). Best case scenario is that this woman looks back on this when she's in her

Internalized misogyny and lesbophobia handed down as wisdom to other women who can grow up to hate women. Ugly and sad.

These donation services are helpful, but they do not address all the needs of women who require abortion services. For example, they don't help women who are unable to take repeated days off work because the abortion clinic is distant and requires multiple follow-up visits.… Here's an interview I did with RH Reality Check that will also give you some good tips about finding a pharmacy to do this. I'll be writing up a long article about women taking control of their reproductive health in a hostile environment in the next several months.

I know of several legitimate online foreign pharmacies selling these pills, and have been distributing them for some time (there's a piece I wrote for Jez last year about it, headlined something like "I help desperate women and I could go to jail for it").

Armpits with that much hair are no longer prickly. The hair can be quite soft and nice.

It doesn't bother anyone at Jezebel that these drag queens are doing a performance of femininity that, if a woman did it, would cause widespread disapproval and freakouts? Why is it okay when a gay man wears bunny ears and a super-short dress, in a world where women, actual women, are still prostituted and other

Caring for a child in foster care is not something every parent will be approved for—many of them because of medical conditions that are unlikely to impact their parenting and which other parents successfully manage. It's also not for everybody...the idea that abused or neglected kids are some sort of consolation

Yeah, and you can lovingly render little girls' underwear in WAY more scenes than necessary, too!

Today, doctors and nurses are being trained about abortion less than they were a quarter century ago. The average age of abortion doctors is high and getting higher. You can become an obstetrician in this country, and in 90% of programs will never be offered abortion training even as an opt-in. Becoming a doctor or

You're doing incredible work. Keep fighting the good fight, sister.

It's not just one trip. The whole point of a lot of these waiting period regulations and such is to make it so you have to make several trips, several days apart. In some rural parts of the country, the bus doesn't come through every day and it's an hour's drive just to the Greyhound stop (yeah, for real, I've lived

Most states don't pick up the tab for anyone. Anyone. And abortion pills aren't for late-term abortions. You've lived in two of the most pro-choice states in the country. You don't get to tell women in Alabama how easy peasy it is.

Yes! Donate to the National Network of Abortion Funds and/or volunteer with abortion fund hotlines, folks who want to do more. It really is needed.

And in the meantime, buy misoprostol! Learn how to safely use it. Make it so that illegal abortions are so easy to obtain in America that the powers that be have no choice but to push for a more medicalized, safe solution.

Thank you for volunteering. Abortion funds are doing incredible work and can never do enough of it on their shoestring budgets.

You could kill someone by giving them Tylenol without a prescription, too.

By buying misoprostol online, and by helping any woman you know who needs an abortion. This shouldn't be an organized thing with a leader. It should be women building networks of trust and communication. Sisterhood can take over until the government closes these access gaps.