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    CVS takes it. Walgreens and Staples have the hardware (at least near me) but it doesn't work yet...WTF

    Thanks a ton.

    Oh well.

    Yesterday, I dropped a penny on the ground. I didn't even bother to pick it up, I just walked away from it with my friends.

    Here you go.

    "leaving its top tier selection at, basically, the Razr Maxx and now, finally, the S III. (But really, where the hell are all your phones, Verizon?)"

    I don't want to sound like an ass, but... they're making a big deal over dynamic shadows? Seriously?

    Same here. That's some of the best credit music out there. It just fits perfectly.

    Why should we need friend codes for anything, though?

    Nintendo: I don't care if your Friend Codes are better. If they're there at all, you can count on me and tons of other people not bothering to use the Wii U's online features. They're just too much of a hassle.


    I've beaten the crap out of all my 360 controllers and they all work perfectly. Some of Microsoft's stuff can be cheap crap; doesn't mean it all is.

    So wait, it doesn't kill the cancer, only slows it, right?

    I don't think it's the phone...I use the built in navigation on my GNex all the time, never had a problem.

    I have the same issue with the Windows version.

    Yes (XBMC). Unfortunately, the jailbreak doesn't work with the current Apple TV.

    Verizon isn't the only game. Unfortunately...I like their network too much.

    The article said that you would lose your unlimited plan when it comes time to re-up the contract. In other words, while your current agreement stands, you can have unlimited data. After that, it's gone.

    T-Mobile throttles your data after 2GB.