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    The video is of a pre-alpha version of the game. It has been changed significantly since. There are 2 lanes, no freestyle selections, one difficulty. Watch the video here for a more recent version. [kotaku.com]

    "(think notifications on iOS or copy/paste on Android)"

    Actually, we still use TI-83/84 Pluses in high school. :/

    We have to go to space to ensure the survival of our species.

    Demonoid is actually public. Invites are only needed to track ratio and comment.

    Claw is not a deal. I bought it at Target for $20, normal price, years ago.

    uTorrent Remote is already available on the Market. It lets you do everything short of doing the actual downloading on your device. You send a torrent to your PC at home; when it's done, you can transfer the files to your phone.

    God damn. Now they're just fucking with us.

    Haha, this is awesome! Your comic could probably go toe-to-toe with most of the comics here. And win.

    Because, well, some people (me) actually prefer the Windows UI to a Mac. (Yes, I have used a Mac before.)

    Am I the only one who thinks they might, just might have ripped the name off?

    I know. It's just...I don't seem to care anymore.

    Why does it need to be colors? Why does it need to be a precious metal or stone?

    I'm in the same boat. Made it to the Elite Four, then stopped. "Why am I playing this?"

    How about, instead of a mainframe, a distributed computing model, like SETI or Folding@home?

    Of course I'm not saying that everyone couldn't see the difference. What I am saying is that most people can't. My dad is a good example - he knows his stuff to some degree, but he isn't in on everything. You and I could tell the difference, but most people can't, I believe, and that's where I think FortressCraft

    I know. I thought you were referring to the actual Super Mario Bros. 2 - the Japanese version. I get your analogy now, thanks.

    What exactly are you trying to get across? That Minecraft is "fake"? If so...well, it came first. Otherwise...what?

    It's not that it's similar. It's that it's a blatant ripoff in many people's opinions. As in, it's just trying to capitalize on Minecraft's success.