I know. I have one for other games like BF3 that actually use it.
My video card is probably crapping out on me. Now I can't play Minecraft without my whole computer crashing. :(
Sorry. I couldn't help it. FC just looks so similar to MC. You can't deny that.
On the contrary. Don't buy FortressCraft.
Awkward Zombie is really good. Of course, this is coming from a veteran Mass Effect player, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Ain't that true.
New 3DS with second circle pad attachment built in - just in time for the holidays.
Yes, it is the highest resolution on a Super AMOLED+ screen.
"And speaking of 1280x720, that is the highest resolution we've ever seen on a Super AMOLED Plus screen."
I think it'll look better in our hand than on a promo shot.
Just buy Infinidock...oh, damn.
Some things Nintendo holds on to are good. Most are bad.
They don't need to reprogram the camera or HUD. Just the controls. It's a simple function of "take the opposite of the x-axis value". An x value of 50 from the accelerometer becomes -50. Simple.
No. You'll notice.
They shouldn't add anything. They can get the original actors. (I played DotNW, I know, it was so disappointing.
This is kind of stupid...
Don't bet on it. Namco-Bandai has a proven track record of taking forever to localize Tales games. Don't know if it would be worth it.
Ah, I would loove Tales of Symphonia redone. It would be nice to see it done in real HD instead of being scaled up in an emulator. It definitely deserves it.