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    32 bit OSes are only able to use ~3.25 GB. To get the extra 0.75 GB back he'd need to upgrade to a 64-bit OS.

    I can't stand it either.

    Awesome! Thank you Sony!

    Link's broken. Looks like you forgot to paste the URL as well as to put the /a tag.

    I liked Multifl0w, but the problem is, it only works with backgrounded apps, not apps that use standard multitasking. Basically it did nothing for me. I stopped using it for that.

    Actually that was a reference but whatever.

    I was pretty far into that game, but I stopped for some reason... Also,

    Not anymore. All four of my controllers (two from like 3 years ago) have some sort of Torx bit, I think it's Torx Security but I could be wrong.

    Holy shit!

    What about Apple?

    Yeah, I have. I can't see it because of eye problems. To me, it's a gimmick, and on top of that, it doesn't even work.

    Not anymore. It got pushed back. Sorry.

    I've beaten Vesperia twice. I'm playing this, because, well, I want more Symphonia xD

    That video makes me want to play the game more...I mean, those skits were so full of emotion. And my problem was that they changed the voice actors, not that any of them were bad. Heck, Tenebrae doesn't sound all that bad either.

    Never heard of Palit, but that looks like a pretty sick card. I'd say go for it.

    Alright, so a few days ago, I finished Tales of Symphonia. Great game. Heck, awesome game. I loved it. Couldn't get enough. So I got the sequel.

    Unfortunately that kind of pricing is hard to do. You need Windows, which is an extra $100. You don't have vertical integration like Sony or Microsoft, so the silicon's more expensive.

    This is so true. I think Joel really missed the point...the "tinkering" isn't because we like building computers (although I certainly enjoy it), it's because we want our PC to do what we want it to do.

    I know. I've never overclocked my GTX 470, but it's actually overheated before. Plenty of cooling and all. (Granted, on Crysis, but...)