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    So wait, a quick bit of math...

    80 hours?

    No. I've heard of it but never have had a real excuse to check it out. Time to do so.

    Actually, there used to be a time when tons of games were that long.

    There's a reason physical copies are going away. Digital downloads are faster, easier, and provide more features. Physical copies only have one advantage - they're physical. Nice to look at, but not as practical as they used to be.

    Never had problems with connectivity; I guess it is a big problem though, as so many people are reporting issues.

    Hm. Wasn't aware of the 500 character limit. Didn't know their mic codec was so old, but they do have to make it compatible with the Xbox. Of course, what they should do is update both. I've never had a full mailbox, so I don't know how well that works.

    Doesn't matter how much it sells. Pokemon is fun, but I won't buy a console just for Pokemon. Neither will most people. There's better games out there, anyway.

    Yeah, don't get me wrong, I would love to see a great library on both platforms too!

    The 360 is almost devoid of JRPGs too. Yeah, I think this gen is almost void of JRPGs. 黒人 mentioned Tales of Vesperia, which is my personal favorite as well; but it is the only JRPG in my 360 library. And I love JRPGs.

    I never found it slow. Pretty snappy, actually. Maybe it's just my PC (seriously not trying to brag here, just trying to make a point).

    Yeah, the 3DS is considerably more powerful than the regular old DS. However, that's not where I should be making comparisons. What most people compare the 3DS to is the Vita. The Vita blows the 3DS out of the water.

    Dude, one game (or series of games) does not make a console. Not even Pokemon.

    How's it burned?

    What's so bad about GFWL?

    It's not a very amazing machine. I can't even see the 3D, so to me, it's nothing more than a slightly upgraded DS. Even some people who can see the 3D effect report that it gives them headaches and that they turn it off after a little while.

    Before I comment: my power's out, and let me tell ya, using exclusively my phone for Internet SUCKS.

    You're not missing anything. Games sell the system. Stupid early adopters like me try it the other way around, and end up disappointed.

    VOTE: Disk Space Fan

    A lot of games...sounds like something Nintendo didn't think of when they put the 3DS out.