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    Download isn't always bullshit. (I will be talking about Steam.)

    Yeah, 2D games are aging quite well. Who could hate the graphics of Super Mario World? Or F-Zero? Or Sonic? Or Zelda?

    So true.

    Haha whatever, it's my fault for misreading your comment :)

    Yeah, it was just so convoluted though.

    Well, how was I supposed to know that Microsoft was gonna screw up their console? :/

    Wow. That sucks. (Why Euros, though?!)

    Nintendo has yet to come up with even a barely-competent online service. This is a good part of that. They need to get up and actually make something half-decent. Who wants to bet that friend codes will be used for the Wii U?

    It's been out for a bit now.

    Awesome. Very well written comment. That's how I feel as well.

    Difference between smartphones and cigarettes: one most likely won't harm you, and one is scientifically proven to kill you over time.

    You're right, though.

    Microsoft, oh, Microsoft...

    First off: yes I agree with you that Steam has the best features, and that EA is just being greedy. However, I don't think every other publisher is going to make a download client - EA is doing it because they are gigantic, and because they think they can pull it off. Also, they have balls. Which is kinda nice to see

    Yeah...I've only been to Borders a couple times recently (my family goes all the time), once before they announced that they were closing permanently, but it was kind of apparent why. Prices were bad (just look at Amazon) and service was horrendous. Once, I was waiting for them to process something, and I was also

    So, has anyone read the new xkcd yet?

    Yeah, I just read that again...I think I went a bit overboard.

    Makes me think...when will the current gen be considered "retro" (not including the Wii)?

    If Valve ever falls on its ass financially, they'll just release Half-Life 3 in its current state, no matter how buggy and unfinished it is. They'll make millions.

    I don't give anything a number - as in, "two consoles behind is retro".