
The bow has a special move called Dragon Piercer, which is what he used to cut the tail off.

“Arrow! Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old. If ever you came from the forges of the true king under the Mountain, go now and speed well!


Torbjorn should have had a turret on B at a minimum, they got greedy.

Hold his daughter hostage in a foreign country!

He said it’s a bit of a witch hunt?!? GET HIM!!!

this way you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes

The fact that a fair percentage of Kotaku readers are probably too young to get that reference makes my bones hurt.

Promoting mediocrity since forever...

Glad to hear Evolve is getting a second life!

You are tearing me apart, lack of cross play in destiny

I absolutely loved Sagira as your companion for most of the campaign. She had such character and expression - going back to Nolan North was a let down.

No, the one that recognizes there are problems with the system and tries to help others regardless.

The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?

This is the America I know and love.

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”