Don’t expect the upcoming remake version of Final Fantasy VII to be exactly the same game you remember excitedly…
Hot Toys makes some of the most realistic collectible figures you can buy. If you’ve ever wondered about its…
Batman isn’t supposed to kill people. But that doesn’t stop players from trying it anyway—and the results are pretty…
you’re so right—i’ll adjust my blueprints
As much as I love the idea of a diarrhea catapult I imagine that you’d have to actually put the diarrhea into a water balloon if you actually wanted to achieve any real distance.
So what your saying is this kickstarter was in fact a disguised pre-order by sony to see if it was worth signing on to help produce the game.
Yes, yes, there have been plenty of games with pixels, but these...these are glorious.
I never fucking thought I’d see the day. If Half Life 3 is revealed I’m going to lose my shit.
After years of asking, your Final Fantasy VII full remake dreams are coming true. It’s happening. And you can bet…
My bro Cloud got some phoenix downs and elixirs, he’ll be there in a minute.
Well. Now Valve just needs to announce Half-Life 3, and we'll finally have the final sign of the apocalypse.
OH MY FUCKING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is some brave shit.