
What intellectual property is this? There are three types of IP that I know of - copyright, patent, and trademark.

If they genuinely have written acknowledgement from Palmer Luckey that the IP in question belongs to Zenimax, that's pretty damn water-tight. This will have been in Carmack's contract when he left the Zenimax fold, and it sounds like Zeni were completely left out of the Facebook talks despite the agreements. Not

HOLD IT! Before we whip out the pitchforks, read this part carefully:

Of course. Typical Liberal anti-Zombie bullshit.

"Kin… ja?"

Can someone please tell me how to post gifs? I'm an old man with little to do with his time.

Unlike her mayor, she didn't want the pipe.

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

Have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time?


I've showed it to people in the office. 60% of the women think it's cute. The other 40 percent just laughed.

50 percent of the men were like wtf.
the other 50 were like that's just too much effort... Keep in mind that my office apart from myself, and three other foreigners are all Chinese.

I guess it's unfortunate that we find it creepy?

those little wagging duck butts!!

Youtube comment:

So it's like that time The Prisoner tried to escape from the island?

I don't know, but freezing it, then putting it in the microwave definitely opens it. It also opens the microwave and everything near.