
Ha ha ha, oh dear.

I have played Witcher 1 and 2 but never got around to playing 3, and boy am I glad I didn’t.

This is such a white take on the asian problem of colourism.

Except games are translated too, and I rarely felt they affect accessibility the same way. You can always watch a lets play video on youtube if the difficulty is too much for you. It doesn’t get any more accessible than that.

I feel an artist’s intent is important, but shouldn’t dictate how the media is engaged with”

Considering we know next to nothing about Polaris, Ahti, NSC or the Board, I don’t know what to get concerned about.

Must have missed it. Where do you find that?

Some people higher up in the government do know about them, hence they can hire people from other government agencies like the CIA and other research institutes.

The difference is that you gashed that bottle while holding it in your hand whereas this guy cleaved unclamped bottles resting on the table.

“Control is set in a government agency responding to pressure from above to find a practical application for each and every thing they study”

After the magnificent existential/cosmic horror of the 1st book, the bureaucracy of the 2nd book was such a let down. But after that ending, I assumed the 3rd book would be back to its excellent roots. It wasn't.

I would argue that porn itself isn’t the problem. What matters is the type of porn you are watching.

You wrote this article too early. By the end of season 2 they try to establish that david was, in fact, crazy.

Wait, are you trying to tell me that there were more women in medieval battles than there were mythical creatures? GTFO of here.

Am I missing something here? In Mordhau, do you battle with your dicks?

Thank you. The absence of rahxephon bothered me. I assumed it would be the first one on the list.

You don’t have to watch the whole thing to know you don’t like it.

as a ps4 player, i was a bit worried because this game looks good. then i remembered microsoft also releases their stuff on pc, so i dont have to get an xbox

as a ps4 player, i was a bit worried because this game looks good. then i remembered microsoft also releases their stuff on pc, so i dont have to get an xbox