
To buy less games. I don’t finish 90% of the games I buy. That isn’t to say that I regret buying those games cause I still have fun playing the majority of them and I totally believe you can buy a game full price, never finish it but still feel you’ve gotten your moneys worth. Still I’d like to start finishing more

I know he has been pretty great this year. I hope that kick doesn’t haunt him, because it was THAT bad.

To me this all nonsense.

Oh man, some pancakes would be great right about now.

Note of care with ZoE, I believe most of Konami’s remasters were basically abandoned after release. With ZoE in particular, it actually runs noticeably slower than the original PS2 version on Xbox. They addressed the slowdown during heavy action with a patch but I’m relatively sure some of the important performance

Note of care with ZoE, I believe most of Konami’s remasters were basically abandoned after release. With ZoE in


I resent that remark.

Jeez... that’s awful...

cool story bro.

Now playing

then you’re playing the game wrong. Sonic definitely has speed and it really isn’t much different from other platforming games. you have to play each stage multiple times and learn when you jump where otherwise you will hit something and get stopped. just like any platformer it’s all about memorizing the layout of

I’m well aware of what the lyrics are, as I’ve listened to the song.

Agreed. She destroyed that verse. Great song.

Nicki’s verse on Monster is one of those things that, she may never top, but may never need to top.

actually he liked Bound 3 and thought it was funny

after reading some of the comments still complaining because shes a "Butch Russian" I come to the Conclusion that there's just No Pleasing Anyone .

I like Block Angeles myself.

Facebook was down on monday? I didn't even notice and for that, i'm proud of myself.

Yeah, I haven't seen him since I got mine. They sure do have heaps of Peaches, though.

I'm glad we agree