
Helping people stock shelves, i.e. finding it and putting it out for them, is not “forcing” anyone to do anything. It is the exact opposite, i.e. doing their work for them so they aren’t compelled to do so because of their job.

the game was always good, if you played on hardware that could run it well

It hasn’t though. They’ve just found a way to hide the true cost of games. If the price had stayed the same, you’d expect to see stagnant or even shrinking profits, but that hasn’t been the case. $60 is just the entry fee these days.

The issue isn’t whether or not the piece can be enjoyed once it’s been spoiled, the issue is that watching something spoiled and unspoiled are different experiences and you can only go into a given thing blind once in your life.

yep, if it was “I was not expecting a cameo like this in Chip’n’Dale” or something similar with a picture of chip’n’dale I don’t think anyone would have a problem with it. But since you put the title character first AND used a screenshot of the character from the film if someone wanted to go in blind they’d be

Idk, like a title saying “The new Chip and Dale movie has a surprising Video Game related cameo” and just have a pic of Chip and Dale instead and spoiler mark the actual cameo?

i prefer worldle. It’s less “hot/cold.”

No. They don't deserve death threats 

“little worm”

“deserve whatever vitriol that comes their way”

This is exactly the kind of toxicity that people are talking about. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

The game absolutely has problems and their decision to call things “legacy features” is confounding, but to say that they deserve what they get from

Shut the fuck up.

I did the same thing except I got errors as soon as I verified payment via Paypal. So I tried again, and again, and again. And then I got the message about not being able to process the transaction because my account had too many recent purchases (of which there were none). Fun times.

> Also I’m genuinely confused by the bitter, accusatory comments that you can’t possibly be right about your experience because the old version didn’t have these issues. Like... Why is everyone SO sure that the switch version is just perfect?

You took the words right outta my brain! I was going to say the same thing to the tune of - hm? I was surprised by the start of this review. I played it on Wii U and I remember thinking it was probably the best controlling Mario game I’ve ever played. Really smooth, great controls, great camera. Just an all around

Yeah, I couldn’t disagree more with that passage. To each their own, of course, but to me 3D World offers the best control among the 3D Marios by a significant margin. I came up with the original 2D side-scrollers, though, so maybe that’s why I prefer 3D World over Odyssey or any of the other 3D Mario games.

Did they change the switch version that much?
Because the WiiU version is one of THE BEST Mario games ever; I love Super Mario 3D World, I cannot stand NSMBU.

Yeah, I completely agree.

I don’t want to say Ian’s take on this game’s camera and controls isn’t valid because everyone’s got their opinion, and this is a new release even if it’s a port so who knows if it feels different, but it’s definitely an unpopular take and if it controls like the original it’ll be a very fluid

His comment on the camera controls also felt a little off to me. Like, the point of the game was that it was giving us a 2D-esque experience within a 3D world, so it makes perfect sense that we’d be given carefully curated camera angles instead of a free-range camera.

Yeah I definitely don’t agree with Ian’s take on the game, but I guess it’ll hit everyone a bit different. Playing through the main game with my 6 year old was a blast, I’m excited to play it with her again now that she is older and won’t need to warp as much. 

Yeah, I feel the same way. In fact, my girlfriend who is positively shit at 3D platformers managed to beat the entire game because the controls were so good. Sure some levels took a bit long cause she had a hard time learning some new skills like the long jump, but it was never because of the controls that she had a

The original on Wii U is literally my favorite Mario game. I say this as an older gamer who has been here since the NES days. It’s the perfect mix of tight “2D” linear game design, with the more open movement of a 3D Mario title.