
it’s so fucking good. not just because it’s ZoE cosplay, but because it’s so incredibly well done!

Goodnight, my sweet purple princes. It’s been real.

Wow. theres a difference between being very disappointed in the Metroid announcement and being an entitled dick who tries to get a game cancelled just because they don’t like that it carries the name of their beloved franchise.

There you go, zigzagoon is on top of aerodactyl ^^

What's with all the hate? I think he nailed it.

I can tell you where you won't find him: working on a new Zone of the Enders game.

By this logic, only Native Americans should be allowed to become Miss America.

Yes, before there was the internet, there were cats.

I am amazed Major is so low.

One of the other girls stole them.... :-I

Nope. Unconditionally love the yellow bastard.

Even ninjas need a day off.

Are you a boy or a girl?

Fairy: "The fate of your world, perhaps the entire universe, is at stake!"

As far as I know, these starters have never been available with their hidden abilities before.