
Down 13, commit a penalty, and flex for the camera. TJ Ward is an idiot.

Undefeated in the playoffs though.

Leave it to noted shithead Pete Carroll to run a fake punt while up 21 points with 5 minutes left.

Goodell has already announced that the Patriots will lose a first round pick regardless of who was responsible.

I guess you could say the new CBA is a kick to the balls to your average journeyman, eh?

I don’t know what’s more astounding here:

Went back to read the comments on the original story. Maybe we should just hold off on publicly shaming everyone accused of a crime until all the facts are in. Just a thought. And kudos to Deadspin for posting a follow up. A lot of media outlets probably aren’t going to bother.

This is classic Shad-enfreude.

Am I the only one that places the blame on the shithead motorists driving too fast for conditions over the top of a hill?

Here’s his mugshot

Gonna be a real tough road to the playoffs. JPP has had a really good season, and has been the best player on the Giants’ D, hand down.

“They’re actually hitting harder than the Jets’ defense” stone cold assassination there man. I mean, it’s true but damn man.

In this day and age I’m still absolutely baffled at people who fail to wear a seatbelt. The ability for airbags to help you is seriously impaired if your body’s movement isn’t constrained so the airbags can do their job safely and properly.

Also karma:

Sherman calls someone out for being a poor winner and disrespecting other fans?

This is the most Seahawks’ fan comment ever. Make it clear your fanbase is superior to others while also making sure to mention how long-standing your fandom is to differentiate yourself from the rest of your newly minted fans. I’ve read numerous accounts of terrible Seahawk fan behavior. Fuck off.

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.

Gee, maybe you could set him up to be caught with a possibly slightly under-inflated football...

Yep those riots looked hella civilized.