
I’m still wondering why college tuition is so expensive.

Am I remembering wrong? Didn’t his hitting take a dive after he got punched in the face?

He can’t avoid being an asshole- He’s a lawyer.

WOW! A lawyer being a total douche-nozzle? Get out! I would never have thought!

Damn you and your saber-metrics!

+100 stem cells!


Why not Iron balls like Iron Balls McGinty?

Just remember the old adage: “Nothing stains the sheets like crazy!”

Only if he’s getting peed on “the right way”!

X-bouncer here from the college days- Women fighting is the worst! MOST of the time male combatants are focused on their opponent. The “women” will lash out at anyone near them while fighting.

They backed off BECAUSE it was a gas station egg salad sandwich! Duh!

May I suggest a waiting period?

He’s only dancing to pay his way through college!

I used to think lawyers were the lowest form of life. Now that I’m older and hopefully wiser I have realized that lawyers are the larval stage of politicians.

...and this is why Trump is president.

I thought it said angry hamburglers:

Way to waste a $13 beer!