I knew I shouldn’t have had that Skyline chili!
...but no Irish!
Too many stars due!
LeBron > Kobe
+1 pissed off Shula.
Maybe Riley?
I don’t know which one to root for! Can they BOTH loose?
Buzz Williams? I call bullshit! that’s Harvey Weinstein! (and everyone wondered what he’d be doing now that his company is gone)
......but we need something to be outraged about!
The flashes are from a pipe
The curling equivalent to an “own goal”
I feel bad for that goalies ankles!
There are more Sox/Yanks fans when they play in Tampa than Rays fans. All the retired North-easterners.
Is that Jenner?
.......but......but...... I NEED SOMETHING TO BE ENRAGED ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (to prove I’ve a good person since I’m not)
How about “hornswoggle”?
Also in Maryland.
Cheap shot at Elway!
Please tell me how fun willful ignorance is!