
They’re going to play the Olympic anthem

There is NO WAY that first guy isn’t eating all that meat he’s chopping to bits with his toys!

This guy ruined two NFL teams. Took a winning Jets team and a winning Chiefs team and destroyed them. Who really thinks this is going to go well?

Milk - ranked

I was going to call the Giants the Browns of the NFC.

Just got to love the racism! I wonder what would have happened if the roles were reversed? Hmmmmmmmmm?

So WHY then do they call it casual Friday? Can’t do anything any more!

Being former military I was at first appalled by these demonstrations. After a while I thought more about the cause and tolerated it. Now that it’s been a majority of the season I’m getting sick of the fact that there’s no end in sight.

Stand on top of the tank! (and watch your aim please)

Surprised he has to harass. He’s such a cutie!

If you’re freaked out by this try reading this book:

In this case; Code of silence = lawsuit

It actually started when some of the Massachusetts news blogs/papers refereed to er as Faux-cahontas.

I didn’t want to star this but I have to.

You forgot - throw a pick 6

That was the best description of him yet!