
What irritates me to no end is the hypocrisy of these commercials in that they can run hourly and discuss erections, which if you have a very young around may require an explanation but if there's a 2 second nip slip, the woman gets bad mouthed and the network gets fined. Double standard much?

Actually full length beaver with matching hat. Pease don't sic PETA on me!

I'm afraid someone will throw paint on me! There's also a full length raccoon fur coat with a matching hat that I will keep.

Just found a coat very similar to this while cleaning out my parent's house. I may just have to keep it.

I'm now grateful my zits don't look like nipples.

Is it really true I'm not the only person on earth with nipple hair?!?!

Zit porn - perfect!

Serious question, as I've only had 3 periods all this past year and think that I am almost officially menopausal. How do you lose the outside of your clitoris? Did it fall off? Or simply recede? This would be the end of me!

After 40 years of periods that are regretfully ending, I learn yet again I am normal.

No disrespect intended but every time I've seen this listed in the feed I read it as "how to have a drink when you have a stillborn" agggghh!

Unfortunately it's neither reichl or bourdain . The real writer was outed a short time ago. Too lazy to find the link, too busy drinking beers on the beach.

Unfortunately it's neither reichl or bourdain . The real writer was outed a short time ago. Too lazy to find the link, too busy drinking beers on the beach.

I'm too cheap to run much air conditioning in the summer or heat in the winter, so boxers and tank tops when hot to avoid chafing, and pjs for warmth when it's cold. Please don't judge.

My daughter, 23, emulates your roommates. Me at 52 and "fleshy" could rival you in the tank and shorts inventory. Glad my household isn't weird.

I am so relieved it's not just me. I thought my colonoscopy somehow caused them.

I have no shame or chance in hell but I would do Adam Levine in a nanosecond, hoping it lasted much longer .

My dad died in July and I paid the funeral home $10k for everything (embalming, viewing, transport, church services etc) He already had a plot at the cemetery, so I dont know what those are going for . Add in the flowers, luncheon and tombstone for another $1500. And he had a dual military service as a Marine and Army

It is very dusty here too.