
It is very dusty here too.

But where would they get the fat to inject from? She's pretty lean.

Unfortunately I've dated some men that would disagree. As I learned here some months ago, (paraphrasing) if he expects you to treat his cock like a popsicle in the summer, and he treats your pussy like its a Pile of dog shit his key are in, it not gonna work out.

Figures mine looks like a cross between #s 7 and 10. The important thing is it does what it's meant to.

I'm sure you're right, its just that I remember hearing this many many many years ago.

I'm sure you're right, its just that I remember hearing this many many many years ago.

I thought all veterinarians kept office cats for just this purpose .

I'm proof tonight and many others that it doesn't happen, at least to me.


Well, if its any consolation I have a lot fewer wrinkles than most people my age. Small victories I guess ;)

52 and still break out regularly. Anti wrinkle cream and targeted acne treatment daily.

Didn't we learn from Oprah how the Swiss look down on the poor?

It seems to have been deleted. Good job all!

This puts things in perspective (from the NYT)

Did you mean to refer to fellow writer Tracie Egan Morrisey as "relatively smart"? Snap!

I never lose my craving for Vietnamese summer rolls. Alternate daily with pesto.

Mr Zuzu Paul, adopted brother to Miss Trinny Ru

Is she really plus sized or just normal?

My dogs did that. We would find little ornamental poops in the yard well into spring.

I have a cat with a tiny tail so this, sadly, is a topic of interest. He's darn cute though