It seems so painfully simple, no? I get the sense though that folks who most need that message aren't actively reading feminist websites, government PSAs on sexual assault, etc. (Or if they are, they aren't listening).
It seems so painfully simple, no? I get the sense though that folks who most need that message aren't actively reading feminist websites, government PSAs on sexual assault, etc. (Or if they are, they aren't listening).
Huh. My immediate reaction was "yes, of course it is - it's very easy to avoid assaulting someone." I understand why people might read it in the context of rape culture/victim blaming, but I guess I am somewhat surprised that it's so problematic it must be taken down and not doubled down on as a "Yes, we mean it,…
Ugh, I've been carefully avoiding that clip, and you sucked me into that trap. All I can say is, that guy is annoying as all-freakin'-get-out...And that whole, "I'm trying to understand how my female friends feel..." bit is just crap. He just wanted to have some in-your-face moments and bait-the-random-guy clips so…
Yeah! I think there's been more than one study on this phenomenon—women are perceived as being overly talkative and annoying, but they actually talk significantly less than men do.
Interestingly, this showed up in my facebook feed the other day:
There was a study done, where women spoke for 30% during a conversation. The males involved in the study felt the women "dominated" the conversation even as they spoke 70% of the time.
Okay, so I did actually work with a large number of dudes who included me in their guy discussions. And several of them admitted that they would not call or go out with a woman that had slept with them on the first date.
I like hearing stories from people who have long term relationships with someone they had a one night stand with. It gives me hope that I'll meet a guy who doesn't hold such a ridiculous double standard.
Tacky are the people who judge others sex lives.
India is in Asia. How do Indian people (all of them, presumably by your comment) find it offensive to be identified by the continent of their origin or deny the fact that the nation of India is found in Asia?
I disagree (though I know this entire article is a joke).
Unfortunately, your story is all too common. I'm so sorry they did that to you.
I once got into an exchange with a "men's rights activist" last year on a Buzzfeed post. I was doing a google search last week of my name because I'm applying for jobs and wanted to make sure nothing crazy came up and was horrified to see that the same creep who I had exchanged words with had posted links to my…
Emily Yoffe and James Taranto may be shilling MRA beliefs, but I'm guessing they wouldn't describe themselves as MRA advocates. And ultimately that's why I can't take MRA people seriously—they exist to perpetuate sexist beliefs, not to dismantle them. They are not fighting for a world where the majority of dudes…
This is really simple. If you are a member of the dominant social group it is creepy for you to organize AS a member of the dominant social group.
Yeah, I've never seen any of these MRA's actually campaign for something men legitimately need, like paternity leave.
Thank you Lindy. It's incredibly obvious that these guys have serious issues with their own self-worth that they project onto women, and everything they say/do is harmful, for everyone. They need to be ignored into oblivion.
It's telling that they focus on false rape allegations and not, say, false assault or embezzlement charges. They only destroy your life when they're made by a woman standing up.
Co-signed, Lindy. If MRAs actually cared about issues facing men due to traditional gender roles, they'd be feminists! These dudes are just woman haters- bitter, nasty rageaholics - that deserve to be put in a time-out like the tantruming children they are.
So I am getting married this June and loved the points it made. It is just super distracting to show a heterosexual couple only in this info graph. It would have been more helpful to show images of different types of couples. It's a perfect example of heterosexism.