
i place my money on Sorority hijinx, where 'hijinks' = emotional torture

Hey, that's nothing. Eastern Wisconsin also mispronounces "professional basketball team" as "Milwaukee Bucks."

If you got into a huge fight over that I wonder what will happen when you introduce her to heliocentrism.

If you're eating something and it winds up in your lungs, I'm fairly certain you're doing something wrong.

Falconry. I don't even think they let you shop for a Falconer's glove without a III after your name.

"Date Rape" was robbed!

I really want to like it but, all I keep seeing is this...

Just a quick favor to everyone so they can get the debt nutters to maybe STFU for a minute as they digest some information.

Needs more wagon.

Is wat happens when you live in VAN DOWN BY DA RIVERSKI

I think it's important to note that there is no biological difference between black women and white women. Race is a social construction that does not reflect any genetic reality; indeed, there is more variation within any human population than among any two populations. In practice, that means that a "black" person

I don't/doing understand/stood the/that question(s). It is/was hard to read/ing.

Oh, I thought by flip you meant buying a used ecobox, cleaning it, and reselling it. Y'know, like flipping a house.

LAX by all means. I know they are currently in the process of "Renovating" it but until that is complete, and possibly still after it is just Plane terrible (see what i did there)

She could be like a new council-woman or some sort of equivalence to Leslie's role in the office. At first, everyone thinks she's awesome - even Leslie. She dances with Donna, dresses like Tom, eats at Ron's favorite steakhouse; everyone loves her. Then it becomes clear to Leslie, and only Leslie, that Ellen's

Does it come with free pizza? It's kinda shaped like a pizza slice anyway.

Westy Syncro!!!

I love it when a van comes together...