
What about gazpacho? Or consommé?

One could argue that broccoli cheese soup is such a thing. It is clearly soup.

No, I rationally explained why they were a fucking idiot.

Please next do What Makes a Soup a Soup. We’ve been debating this in my office.

Tattoo artist: So you want a tattoo...what did you have in mind?

Probably getting ready to release new logos for autonomous cars.

Very similar, except 1 year in I’m still paying off the debt I accrued when i essentially got laid off. I worked a job I couldn’t afford to have for 2 years because it was better than making minimum wage at Home Depot (where I was working on nights and weekends).

Yeah, I was suuuper excited until I saw acoustic.

Sonic booms over land...Zika virus taking our babies away...

I think too much D is what got her into this in the first place.

Holy crap. That mothertrucker stumbles and that thing is wrapped around his neck in a heartbeat. He dead.

Once it establishes that it’s important to you it will keep showing it, until you start dismissing the cards on a regular basis. Then it will ask if “this card is important to you.”

Ask it about the weather more often. It shows what you search.

I’d love to get a car with curtain airbags that doesn’t have a monsterous A pillar, causing me to crane my neck to see around corners.

I’ll take hyperbolic headlines for $200, Alex.

As its name suggests, it has a 4.0-liter V8 under its hood for the first time ever.

That camera is a sexy bitch.

I have to say, even dropping 855 lbs is pretty impressive.

Bruh, do you even spot?