
I always believed her. About everything. It’s all quite tragic.

It is in NO WAY “unfeminist” to mourn the loss you suffered. No feminist worth a damn would suggest you lost *nothing*. Feminism is supposed to be about the freedom & power to make our own choices, not to wave a magic wand & have the choices be painless. You go right ahead & mourn; I will hold your hand.

Henry VIII’s 2nd wife was also executed for sluttery - that she actually never committed. 

I have to disagree; he is NOT “sentient”.

This has made my week. And next week, too. That woman is an avenging angel & I am humbly grateful she walks the same earth I do. Just as sorry as I am that she *has* to do things like this.

I think Warren needs to stand his ground & implement a 2nd Amendment solution to the egregious threat of George Zimmerman.

Did you know who is considered a holy martyr by the Church of England?

There was Prince Seeiso Bereng Seeiso of Lesotho, Principal Chief of Matsieng, & his lovely wife, right in the nave with the family. He & Harry are co-founder of the charity “Sentebele”.

Moderators, do you delete/ban trolls? If not, you might want to consider it.

How fucking dare you troll this forum, & how fucking dare you prostitute serious issues to feed your white privilege? Fucking grow up your fucking self. DISMISSED.

No, she apologized because people thought that’s what she meant & polite people apologize whenever someone’s feelings are hurt, even accidentally.

If you cannot figure out the context after reading the article, then you have no business comenting on any of these posts.

Normally, I would agree with you. But the specific crime this girl committed pretty much begs for that sort of response. Speaking as a WOMAN, of course....

a) Lots of reactionary rightwing colleges out there

When NBC skipped only his performance to talk to Nathan Chen’s third grade schoolteacher, my husband & I started making snide jokes about antisemitism. Doesn’t get more Jewish than that!

This is horrifyingly sick. Now I have to wonder if Polanski is really mentally ill.

Or, more factually, the definition should not be allowed to be narrowed to just penile vaginal penetration.

Could also be a small-statured somewhat older child, but, still.

I thank you for your honesty. Speaking out is the best thing you can do.

And did anyone say differently?