
Actually, she's a talentless, gold-digging, attention-whore who married for money and fame. I'm not sure what you're basing the premise that she's so entitled to more on considering people like Camille Grammar will say just about anything to get attention. I supposed the truth may be inconvenient so why wait for any

No, I'm sure that Camille Grammear, noted attention whore, gold-digger, and ex reality television star would never, ever overstate the situation while understating her own role for a few minutes of having her name in the headlines. This isn't worth covering because Camille Grammar doesn't have enough credibility to

It's okay. Everybody else gets the point...

I'm not even going to weigh in on the topic at hand because I don't think he has any relevant points embedded in his ranting, but you sir are the prototypical 'nice guy' who shows up in nearly every post trying so hard to be the living embodiment of enlightenment that the pandering everybody has come to expect from

You're also trying to pass off appealing to a broader audience as a substitute for actually accomplishing something. I don't think it's unfair to say that Barack Obama was very easily able to put one over on the American people because individuals like you value shiny baubles over substance.

It's irrelevant. It's of no substance and is strictly for vanity. It speaks nothing of her ability to lead, which, you'll recall, is the point in all of this.

COMPLETELY irrelevant within the context of this article. You know another mayor of color? Kwame Kilpatrick. He was sentenced to 28 years in prison yesterday for defrauding the city of Detroit. Why don't we let the work do the talking before we start handing out kudos to people for being born a particular race and

Let me ask you a question. If this were a great male leader, complete with progressive ideas and an undoubted set of bonafides only capable of being achieved through extreme intelligence and hard work, do you think that a group of men would be sitting around as mouth-agape as everybody in this thread divulging how

Congratulations, you've succeeded in trying to be different for the sake of being different.

But what in the hell would ever compel you to start speaking authoritatively on something you know *nothing* about instead of just admitting you haven't got a clue?

Why would any agent ever allow an NFL player to negotiate any deal that was longer than a year or two that didn't involve *any* guaranteed money? It takes all the bargaining power away from the player in the event that they outplay their existing deal and the team is under no obligation to pay them beyond when they

This is some incredibly stark irony coming from anything on the Gawker masthead. Considering that Gawker's journalistic ethics usually comparatively reveal the Post as a paragon of journalistic morality and good faith I'm going to hope that Adrian Chen is reading this and that he's capable of understanding *why* you

And how many in an American air strike in Afghanistan yesterday? How many of those *children*? Right. I forgot. Only *American* kids matter. Only *American* atrocities should be covered breathlessly day and night because that stuff just shouldn't happen on *your* soil. You're only the world's most prolific

Well, let's see. There were 31 killed in a bombing in Iraq today. Does that make a little more sense to you? Or you'd prefer to think that your pathetic nationalism and ignorant patriotism makes what happened today *more* important?

I don't know. Here's the thing: Considering the absolutely unbridled levels of terror that the Americans inflict upon the world at large nearly every single day, why would anybody even blink an eye at the fact that a couple of people are dead and a few more injured? Not to be insensitive about this - obviously this

As soon as somebody figures out a way to market a liquid at a higher margin than printer ink and keep the revenues steady, they'll also get $15.4MM. Until then, there are only poor oil company executives at whom the printer ink cartel ironically chortles condescendingly about over their lunches of gold-flecked caviar

Yeah, it's disappointing. No question. But this team is not even close to a contender anyway. And that's not just because of the slow start. The team is mostly big name also-rans who, in same cases, were just heavily overpaid to justify a massive taxpayer gift but all of whose best days are well behind them or

There's obviously more to this story than a recession. Reading the article and knowing the architects in question, they have a well-known habit of absolutely blowing the budget through unconventional design means. Fine if you're looking for a $500K boathouse, but I can't imagine anybody who was that sensitive to the

My favorite part was the post-game interview where Dickey said that, traditionally, he's a slow starter when nothing could be further from the truth with his first few start's ERAs hovering somewhere around the 2.00 mark. I don't know if it's the indoor air, but his Knuckler's been looking more like a BP fastball

Basketball is basketball. When played by poorer physical specimens, it becomes poorer basketball. There's no arguing this. It's like pretending like if we could all just open our minds to enjoying people playing golf at 10 over par, we'd enjoy that more than somebody who shoots 5 under on a regular basis. We