It’s an absolute shame the brass is trying so hard to put the old girl out to pasture, rather prematurely I might add, in an abysmal attempt to fund and justify the “Joint Strike Fucker” as I affectionately call it.
It’s an absolute shame the brass is trying so hard to put the old girl out to pasture, rather prematurely I might add, in an abysmal attempt to fund and justify the “Joint Strike Fucker” as I affectionately call it.
I hope that when Day of the Tentacle is remastered, all they do is clean up the audio and very gently increase the…
Yes, it's horrible. All sides should have immediately called for a ceasefire and allowed the Red Cross or other humanitarian organizations with no dog in the fight into the area. But that didn't happen. :(
Sorry, as I was typing I had forgotten that you weren't subscribed to the theory you were talking about. Yeah it's a bummer that these views are sometimes given a platform.
I agree that the separatists thought they were shooting down a Ukraine military transport plane. It was, in a sense, an accident. But... they have handled it badly.
The refrigeration will fail because it's a Russian train. No interference needed.
"It was one of the funniest/strangest/most disgusting and confusing things I've ever seen in my life."
Earlier today, five men agreed that closely held corporations with anti-birth control religious beliefs cannot be…
Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(
Just how bizarre is General Motors' much-maligned "culture"? Ask an engineer who worked there for nearly a year…
Dr. Zaius-approved!
The Braves really fucked up, you guys. During yesterday's home opener against the Mets, they set off a fireworks…
Not to further ruin your day, but I'm a lawyer who clerked in family court for a judge assigned solely to cases of child abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights, and KLG. We had about 12 to 20 cases. Every day. Every week. In one county. With three other judges assigned to handle the same number of such…
Seems like a fatal misunderstanding from the various reports I've read. Witnesses report seeing a "plainclothes" secret service officer give the woman instructions at a checkpoint/barrier. When the officer started knocking on her window she pretty much ran him and the barrier over. I bet the woman thought the guy was…
haha, I knew I was hitting a soft spot in the trailler park.
Sigh...ill translate....The guy recording is Lebanese btw, anypoo: