
You had me until the Michael Sam thing, which seems incredibly out of place. Or just down right homophobic (your choice).

Step 1: Never do push-ups.


Join me in ignoring/dismissing the commenters intent being THISISNOTABOUTRACEGAWD assholes and/or THEINTERNETISNOTSECUREDUMMIES assholes.

Yeah, no, your ignorance is not forgiven.

Oh, for crissake. This has nothing to do with sophistication - and everything to do with the structural integrity of old, old bridges. The locks are damaging the structures, and have caused some railings to collapse.

It's vandalism.

because people will always have a different opinion of it when the victim is a woman of color versus when it's a white woman. It's relevant because Gabrielle is a Black woman and historically we've been stereotyped as being hypersexual jezebel. When nude photos of Gabrielle or Jill Scott get leaked they never seem to

"... woman and children, specifically women of color, have been victimized, and the power over their own bodies taken from them."

Why do people do this coy "Not gonna say it but I'm saying it anyway! Tee hee!" BS? If you don't want to engage, don't. Since you clearly do, why bother pretending? It's spineless and never 1/100th as clever as the speaker seems to think it will be. And it does a disservice to both the issue and your audience.

yeah! Fuck people's right to privacy!

I wonder if his ass gets jealous of all the shit coming out of his mouth?

He deserves to be publicly shamed for being an asshole.

"In my first "Lorunda, King of Elfergarvanen," Affleck is a wizard banished to a dark island known as Cherensta were he must undertake the Trials of the Red Stars. On that quest, he meets a beautiful maiden at a casino in Reno, gets blind drunk, loses thousands of dollars of wakes up wearing a rented cop uniform in a

Guy, Jezebel has invaded all of Gawker, even Kotaku. You may as well accept that women are equal and are entitled to equal representation and opinion and media now.

11. "The woman CHOSE to dress/stand like that!"

Don't you hate it when sexism invades your comics?

It's as if women can be geeks or something!

No, sorry. Consumers do not have to have the talent and financial resources to "make their own" in order to criticize the things they love. Movie critics do not have to make blockbuster movies to be able to tell you that the dialog was awful. Very few people have all the skills necessary and the thousands if not

Because CLEARLY those are the only two options.

"47% of Comics Readers Are Female, So They Clearly Don't Have Any Real Problems With This Stuff"