
I was like a nice guy; It was also like, 'What the hell am I doing?' She was young," he said.

I keep thinking of Prince George as Stormaggedon, dark lord of all

Don't forget the shoes! The shoes!

there would still be a problem, just a different one. Instead of a rapist, he's a psychotic liar who thinks being a rapist would make him a big man. Pretty much as douchey as you can get without being an actual rapist.


I'm pretty much with you - he's so hammy and he's been in so many shitty movies -but then I remember his character in "High Fidelity" and that dance he does to "Little Latin Lupe Lu" and when he says "You can be, and are, wrong." It's hard not to give him a lifetime pass for that!

Dane Cook's money maker, for the record, is a box full of Louis CK's old material.

Oh man. Does that mean these are coming back next?

Let he who hasn't used an Instagram filter cast the first stone.

This is a truly good story, but if he'd sung "Let it Go", he'd have been freed in 20 minutes.

The ground. Or sometimes they are cremated. Rarely, they are buried at sea.

He could, at the very least, acknowledge that ho he supermanned.

Another day, another complaint from Kat Callahan about how LGB are mean to the T while she breaks her back to ignore the systemic oppression enacted by society at large.

maybe people want to view evidence firsthand to form an opinion instead of having it delivered to them by the proper authorities, Jesus

He will always be John Cougar to my ancient ass. Pink houses 4eva.

Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor.

I don't care how 'offensive' something is, I'll still take it over censorship or people crying to have things taken offline. I'm kind of sick of people getting so damn offended and acting like the entire world needs to respect their feelings. Reminds me of a french scandal from years ago - a comedian was taken off the