
If it turned people into psychopaths, I would have started killing random people a long time ago. Get over yourself.

Yes, eating McDonald's makes you a piece of shit torturing, raping, kidnapper. This fucking site sometimes, I swear...

Ew. no. two words: garlic press.

It is and it just made me love this even more!!!!!!!!

This has not caused her logic function to shut down. If you know anything about this girl, you know that switch was flipped long ago...

it's real glass. there are quite a few on the market.

I'd probably hire James Dean to make a sex tape with me too, if I had that kind of cash. No hate here.

Thank you for posting this. I hate that these spoiled brats bring a bad name to a great town.

Damn, why do they have to be from IU..... I swear we're not all like this...

Wow, those dolls look like normal people!

I thought we established this a while back?

That's what I do. As long as she is physically fine and safe, she is on her own.