Norm Walker

Just for the record I am very Pro-Labia

Why do people still have AOL???

When you look up "big brass balls" on Wikipedia you will find a picture of Petry

I read the letter, he doesn't sounds disgruntled I think he really wants RIM to succeed and dominate like they did back in 2006.

I have to agree with this post the 3D features really suck badly and I can't come up with any reason I would want to watch anything in 3D. I actually got to play with this phone for about 5 min and it was pretty good except for the horrible wannabe 3D.

That was a Motorola

Gawker sites notify you when you get replies to your comments. Check the upper right hand corner.

Probably the worst article I have ever read on Giz.

Yes it is just an urban legend, there is no garbage that the eye can see. You have to tow a large net behind a boat and then check out the contents. There are a large amount of plastic particles in the water.

"North Pacific Garbage Patch" is more like a area of some debris. I saw a special on it and you really never see any debris unless you cruise for 10 hours with a net behind a boat. There is hardly anything out there.

You Sir are weird

@Tom I could not agree more. Traditional news to me is old news and I am tired of reading it. NYT is in some serious financial problems because people all over the US don't give a shit anymore about their news. I would rather read a blogger that specializes in the subjects that I am interested in.

Could not agree, he is a truly great man and this from a man that is a not a fanboy!!! I bought an iPad and have slowly come to realize that Apple produces products that are a step ahead of their closest rivals. Go pick up a Samsung Tab and see what a piece of shit it is.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Because they forgot to bury one 100 years ago!

@ehed: I could not agree more!

I could not agree more, I have never bought any music from Apple, I always use Amazon.

@dapper_otter: I think a lot of this stems from idiotic journalists who want to save the earth by convincing us that we should run our cars to heat them up. Of course the idiotic journalist lives in Southern California!

BULLSHIT!!! Try living somewhere it is -20f and see if you maybe change your opinion.

@Civvie: Not in Texas they aren't. Texas allows their citizens to protect themselves by carrying a loaded gun if they so desire. It requires, a class, background check, and some actual live fire training. I carry here in MN when I am in a place that I deem high risk.

@rossismyname: I could not agree more. If I had a quarter for every cyclist I saw riding like an idiot I would retire at 35.