Norm Walker

Have you tried Dominos lately?? It is really good. Much better then some of the crap local places I have been. What I love about Dominos is when I traveling I can get the exact same pizza I usually get from my locale Dominos. If you haven’t tried their Fiery Hawain or Philly Steak and Cheese you are truly missing out.

I am also wondering why the are doing it so late?? Best I could come up with is maybe they want people in Europe or China to watch along on the live stream.

kind of surprised you guys get to go again

My wife and I both signed up for a Simple account. At first at was weird but we are liking that we both have some independence in our bank account now. Once I get all the bills paid I have some money left over for gadgets or stuff for my computer. Large bills like the Mortgage we do the instant transfer and then

Go down to Best Buy and look at a 4K TV I guarantee you will be able to see the difference. It is truly striking. Right now they are still $5000 but once they get down to $1500 I will buy one. They are just so breathtaking to look at.

There is a pretty significant difference between a 18 month kid and a 21 month old toddler. Usually after the thrid birthday parents quit with the month thing.

I agree the Hendricks is very good. The only thing better I have found is a local gin called Deaths Door.

Signup for Dropbox, or Google Drive.

I use Amazon Glacier for all my family digital photos and videos. I recently had a client loose their whole house to a fire. They were gone at the time and no one noticed the fire until the next morning when it was a smoldering mess. These clients lost everything in their house except the photos of a recent

This is so depressing $13 billion dollars and we still don't have any choppers!!

Probably one of the better articles I have ever seen written about Android. I work with consumers every day and the bottom line is they want something that works. They really don't seem to care if it has a Skin as long is it is fast and doesn't have issues. Cameras are probably the thing that everyone wants to

More guns equals less crime. It has been proven out in every state in the Union that has enacted conceal carry. My home state of Wisconsin now has close to 150K citizens carrying a gun and we still have not seen a single case of a Carry Permit holder getting in serious trouble.

I teach Windows 8 in a classroom format as well as individually. I am currently doing two classes per week and have been for the last 6 months. Most people hate Windows 8 initially but once they learn some of the tricks to it they start to like it. My experience is that most people are going to hate anything that

I teach a class on Windows 8 twice a week. I have had many many skeptics attend the class and most leave after 30 mins liking the full screen Metro interface. My experience is that most people don't like any change, so even if Microsoft had just changed a couple of things people would still complain. My favorite

That launch was kind of odd. I was kind of embarrassed for whoever came up with the idea.

I could not agree more!!!

They spray a concrete like substance on the bare walls.

I don't mind looking like a tourist. I usually carry two camera and a bunch of other stuff with me.

My first thought was why would anyone want this???? Why do companies constantly need to put someone of every color in their ads? That is most racist thing I have heard.

SO check out what happens when you take away the guns. Crazy people grab a knife and injure 23 people!