Norm Walker

@goatrope: @goatrope: You know real people work at these dealers. THey have a house payment and kids to send to school, formula to buy, and dentist bills. You making light of the situation doesn't make us feel any better and makes you look fucking stupid.

I work at an "underperforming" "small" dealership. We have been serving our community for the last 70 years but as of Oct 2010 GM will not be renewing our franchise agreement. We have one of the tope CSI rates in the state and really don't cost GM anything. I guess we could start selling Geeleys.

This is as Darwinian as it gets. This guy obviously wanted to thin out his stupid genes from the gene pool. Too bad he didn't get succeed.

God I hope to God this isn't an April Fools day joke! This would be one hell of a car.

I work at a dealership that is on a sounds financial footing. I am hoping things never get that bad.

I now have a new found respect for Dennis Leary!! Global Warming is the biggest scam ever pulled over the American Public's eyes since we founded this great country.

I blame the unions and the big corporate idiots at GM.

Snow is can be fun for the first month or so, but after that it get down right cold and boring.

@P161911 misses weekday Murilee: Ya pretty much any shooting sport that requires a lot of gear. I use the kids stroller for my range trips. By the time I haul all my ammo, gear, several guns I can't carry all of it.

I actually know several people that have these. They are used for 3 gun competitions because it is very hard to safely carry 3 guns around a shooting range. They are built from the ground up as a shooting cart. This is not a stroller it just looks like one.

Good!!! people really weren't saving any money by buying a Prius. They could save $10K and buy a Chevy Cobalt and still come out a head even if they drove 40K miles per year.

I think I will trade my taurus in for one. Now I just need to figure out how to get 2 car seats and the dog in the car.

I think that his one of the sadest things I have ever seen.

My gueess is some type of go kart would run wide open on this track.

Anybody that is not impressed with this vehicle is obviously not a car person! So what if it gets driven to the mall a lot.

What kind of car do you drive??

Growing up a lived on a road that looked a lot like that in Northern Wisonsin. If I had to guess I would say they were well above 100 mph on some of those straight aways!! Which is scary in the snow.

Man she doesn't look half bad!

This is also meant to go up against the Pontiac G8. I own two Tauruses right now I would trade both of these in for just one of these cars. Too bad they don't hold their value better.

I am all for sexxing up Jalopnik, but do we really have to do it with celebrity news!! Maybe you should send a photographer over to the Need for Speed model search for some sexxy pics. If I want picture of celebs I will go over to TMZ or Egotastic. Please just tell me about cars!