
I love how so many people with 300 million dollars whine about not being free enough.

Good riddance! Any SOB who tries to teach a 9 year old to shoot an Uzi themselves deserves to be shot. Victimless crime.....except for the 9 year old's obviously trauma, of course.

I have never heard Beyoncé's music—I don't have a TV or listen to the radio....wait? I just realized the spelling of "Beyoncé" is in my iPad's autocorrect?!? I refuse to click on any link for her music ever simply to avoid something which has so permeated everything that my damn iPad spells it out for me &puts that

I'm betting that horsecock is there on purpose, as a message to voters about how much he loves America.

I am a man with a slim build & wear men's skinny jeans & dress pants—I will NEVER give them up. For slim-framed, athletic men or women, clothes cut to fit their bodies are flattering. The same goes for people with different body types—wearing clothes that best fit your actual shape will look better. That whole baggy

I would beg to differ—you must be getting some pretty stepped on coke. I was in treatment 3 times in 1999 for coke so I have done a bit back in the past. I'd say the first big rip feels like you're walking onstage to accept a Nobel Prize while naked in front of an audience of thousands of the most beautiful people on

I think "War Machine" is a perfect distillation this guy's utterly appalling nature into words. He is a one man atrocity.

Thanks for this. I have always liked to imagine that it is on some level permissible to interact socially with strangers in public if one is civil and the intent genuinely friendly. I complement strangers if they have of both genders in public if they have cool shoes or whatever. I will say "hi" to someone in the

Really?! That completely blows my mind.......

Can you even imagine how livid the FOX News White Power set would be if African-Americans or Arab-Americans suddenly started open-carrying firearms in Wal-Marts or Chilis? One Arab-American open carrying would end up surrounded by a SWAT team. Open-Carry is a Whites Only Jim Crow policy.

At this point in 2014 I'm convinced 100% of all football players are either rapists, or covering up for rapists. In fact, football culture and rape culture appear to be the same thing. I'd never personally degrade myself by following football, but those who do are in some manner pro-rape culture.

The only time I see games is in a bar or something. All those jumping robots graphics, the thing where the commentators draw lines on the screen, the arrows and lines digitally overlaid on the field before plays, the way the whole screen does that Michael Bay/Transformer thing when they cut between shots, the random

I love this post. It's great to see the NFL skewered for it's reactionary effect on culture. Personally I've never been able to stomach even 10 minutes of NFL game coverage. Everything from tone of the commentators to the saturation of the screen with adolescent video-game graphics is completely nauseating.

Here's the reality:

This phenomenon is completely appalling. I can't help but note that Football or other high-profile men's sports teams seem to factor into many of these horrific crimes. And/or Frats. It seems obvious College Sports/Frat Culture nurtures a toxic social dynamic in which criminal sexual violence is seen as normal social

Facebook is weirdly compulsory in vast swaths of society: if you're not on it, the default position is for normal people to assume you're in prison, getting shock treatments or have joined a cult.

Oh, I'm thrilled to be able to comment relevantly on Jezebel! Dropping acid is the LEAST tedious conceivable human experience. I've personally used LSD on at least 50 separate occasions: it's more profound than getting married, getting fired, turning 16, having sex, having children—all that shit totally is boring