The US is whack, i swear.
The US is whack, i swear.
At first it bothered me a lot. But then I realized that you can always find new weapons, and having them break so often makes me use a diverse assortment of weapons, making the fights more varied. It’s more fun, basically.
Wow, this is some amazing art.
You americans are just too sensitive about anything. It’s like you can’t separate things, without reading too much into everything. It’s probably why your country is turning into a big shitshow for the rest of the world. You think more with your emotions instead of your brains.
Lol, gamers being the assholes we’re used to.
Goddammit. Just goddammit! How the hell do the studios come up with this shit? For fuck’s sake...
I’m literally rooting for this to be hacked, so that we can put more games on it. It’s the only way i can think of buying one.
Hmmm, ok. I see some of your points, they’re valid.
It’s just that i never focus on issues like that, probably due to where I was born and live my life (Eastern Europe, where racism was never an issue, and i haven’t grown up with racism being a thing that was ever discussed). Still, I find no offense in playing a…
Well, the default is not a white dude in every game (maybe only in fps action games, but that’s not even my favorite genre). I’ve played tons of games over 20 years, and a lot of them feature women, or a guy from a different ethnic or racial background, other than white. I can literally write a list of hundreds of…
Why does everything have to be about race? It’s pathetic, like those stock photos of workers from different backgrounds.
Yeah, a lot of MOCs are far better, visually, but those builds don’t take into account playability. The designers at LEGO have to focus on the fact that kids will play with these sets, so they need to be robust, and generally child-friendly.
Gamers, man, am i right? I feel like laughing at the people review-bombing.
That’s alright, you don’t need to plug it into the wall, just plug it it into your TV’s usb port. I do the same with the Mini SNES. You can also power it from a laptop or a phone charger with a usb port, which is all of them (basically).
I’m white, and i definitely didn’t do that
This article is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
I wish i could downvote some articles on Kotaku. Like this one.
I’ve been asking for this too. I hope they start doing it.
Ok, imma be that guy. That is far from excellent. It’s good, but her cleavage is huge, the buttons on her jacket are not accurate, and her belt is way off.
Wow, this is incredible art, the best i’ve seen in quite a while. IMO. I want to see more :)
sooooo.... can anyone submit from anywhere? I’m a graphic designer from Romania, and i sure could use the prize money. I’ll settle for half of it too!