I work in a boring office during the week, but I volunteer at the zoo on the weekends. So I spend all week telling my coworkers how awesome the zoo aminals are. They probably hate me.
I work in a boring office during the week, but I volunteer at the zoo on the weekends. So I spend all week telling my coworkers how awesome the zoo aminals are. They probably hate me.
Howcome we never hear about Anamagi or Patroni being magical creatures? That would be the BEST. Why would someone want to transform into a dog when they could transform into a Hippogriff or something???
Dear people who play the lottery (especially my coworkers):
Cardigans > Pembrokes
My apartment door is metal, so I use magnets to hang all kinds of things like calendars and notes to myself on the inside of the door.
Everyone in Washington DC is a loathsome politician. Despite the fact that ZERO members of Congress, by definition, represent Washington DC.
I have this same problem with one of my coworkers. It's so hard to see her family's finances spiral out of control and not be able to help at all, because I've already tried and she doesn't realize she has a problem.
I don't buy anything on Black Friday (even groceries) on principle, but I wish I had known this was going on. I would have bought it just for fun.
My Target just started selling glittery tights so I may have bought 6 pairs last week.
I think Dawn always respected Beth. Dawn knows that she is weak, but she could see that Beth is strong and I think she was really completely in awe of her, which is why she kept confiding in Beth and asking her to do things she was too scared to do.
When I was a kid, my Barbie was a veterinarian, and also I had a Wizard of Oz clothing set and so my one Barbie would act out the entirety of The Wizard of Oz, by herself, with 5 different costumes. She was definitely not a "do-nothing" doll. By contrast, my brother's batman action figures did nothing but change their…
I saw that thing going around Facebook too :-(
it is a turkey vulture
I've tried this and seen absolutely no evidence that it helps.
We go out to eat. No one has to worry about cooking, everyone is polite because we're in public, and we only have to be in each other's company for the extent of the meal. Plus I can get something that is not turkey, because I hate turkey.
I would say if you are not sure that she wants your support, reach out in a way that she does not have to reciprocate e.g. an email or a card or a gift. That way she knows you support her but she is not required to reciprocate if she doesn't want to.
He strikes me as the kind of guy who refuses to answer his phone.