
It's really funny how progressives think they are making such thing by only focusing on websites that are most popular acting as if this type of stuff is new. Getting it removed from just the beyond popular sites isn't going to do much. People will always take pics like this. There's tons of websites that cater to

Body-shaming a body-shamer isn't going to do much. That's what's so funny about you progressive know-it-all 20 somethings. Like people who will say something offensive, only for people to turn around and say things that are by far worse than what was originally said. See: Why I wouldn't want to be asain video. Kid

Can it really be considered "class welfare" if the VIP tickets is only a 150 bucks more than a price of a ticket? Seems to me like the author is bitter.

"women still face a double standard that shames "slutty" women and celebrates "studly" men"

That double standard will always exist simply because it takes no skill or effort for women to get laid. Hearing a woman brag about how much dick she gets just causes an eye-roll. Let's also factor in how men have to work their

Sigh, the problem with this whole "men make more" argument is it universally always fails to take any other factor into account. Those studies simply takes a male, takes a female, looks at their wages and then that's it. There's too many variables and it doesn't come down to "hey you have a vagina so we're going to

Actually 99% of the time it's always everyone EXCEPT the NRA to comment, in which they generally have to go on the defensive AFTER everyone starts pointing fingers at them. Why the NRA is even being mentioned is beyond me.

You are aware the left does that just as much right? Also, you should really learn the definition of victim blaming fucking idiot

Well the NRA would remain silent and not comment on these things if 1) People didn't blame an organization put into place to protect the 2nd amendment because of some guy shooting something up and 2) the media would stop asking them questions every time a shooting occurs.

Exactly, the thing with this show is they try to be new and edgy. They go outside of the box and outside of the norms for ratings, the only reason why this fad show is still on is because of that, which provokes discussions about it, therefore keeping it alive.

""There's so many forms of human capital, and they're not all looks...I get so tired of having to cry out 'misogyny,' but that's what's going on in this situation."

The second feminists starting calling out sexism for hardwired basic human behavior and evolution is the second they lost..

How on fucking earth is that considered misogynistic? Comments like that is why most people just cannot take feminists seriously. Having slang terms to describe sex isn't sexist. Nailing, Boinking, screwing, pounding. Chick = Female, Woman, Girl. So how exactly is a slang term for having sex with a woman misogynist?

Meh, if women can have a baby or abort it, then men should be allowed to abort financial responsibility.

Funny how they are all out of shape and unattractive..

Would have thought feminists would have given up on this Ryan Gosling bandwagon.

If people are offended by a comedians joke, then how about simply getting up, demanding your money back and leaving? Why do people have to take it so, so much further by going defcon 1, demanding boycotts, alerting the press,etc. Mind blowing really. People really need to accept the fact people will say shit they do

The thing I find most hilarious about feminism is they need men to gain any ground.

Freedoms? There is not a single right enjoyed by men that women do not have in any developed country. Autonomy? This isn't sexism or a feminist issue. Being against birth control and abortions is a religion issue. There's also the

I'm not an MRA, but I must say some of the shit feminists say about MRAs is simply the most idiotic shit I have ever heard. No fucking male on this planet thinks he deserves sex for simply being a man. Whichever moron thought that up should have been shot on sight and anyone repeating that nonsense should be banned

Or we can stop raising children to be entitled, whiny little asshats and sugarcoating things. Funny enough, this wasn't a problem until recently. The media sensationalized bullying, made it popular, therefore giving bullies notoriety. When this kid went on youtube with a bunch of flashcards making sentences while

Actually, to be honest I think the moron who screenshotted their twitter, pasted it in paint, edited it, then went to look for another tweet sometimes 2 months later to compare, then do the same thing is by far much more sad and pathetic than some idiot trolling. #Loser. But in the simpleton, delusional feminist's

Funny because you seem to think men are not capable of doing chores. Feminists and their silly double standards and hypocrisy. You basically owned yourself.