Go ahead and name me one thing that’s taken a dump on the source and has come out just as good or better than the original? Go on ill wait.
There’s a reason why people hate remakes and hate people that aren’t fans of the source running a show.
Go ahead and name me one thing that’s taken a dump on the source and has come out just as good or better than the original? Go on ill wait.
There’s a reason why people hate remakes and hate people that aren’t fans of the source running a show.
Jesus at the censorship on this site. Of course it’s far left blogs. It’s a wonder how this site cluster even stays up and running :S
Funny how all of the funnies are from men, I never see women making funny shit.
Most women's definition of a creep is someone that's socially awkward and shy. So yes, it's creep shaming. If women can whine about 'slut shaming' men can whine about penis shaming and creep shaming. Equality right?
Except women date men on their ability to make money...Last generation women were raised up to marry doctors and lawyers, now it's celebrities and athletes. Any argument men make about women having high standards has merit. Women have by far more standards than men, but women save fact at the end because they are a…
No one wants to be alone and this is a point people are missing. He was sad and depressed due to being alone.
well at least this is sparking feminism debates and not gun control debates. It's good since no one takes feminists seriously. When are men going to realize women are more trouble than they're worth?
Feminists whining about trivial things like this, but think they are equipped to deal with serious issues like sex slavery, genital mutilation, not being able to drive, getting stoned to death for being raped in countries they have zero influence?? That's the only thing that's eye-roll inducing.
If you have more than 100k in the bank you'll quickly realize women are more trouble than they worth and cause more problems than they solve.
Thank's to extreme feminists flirting is now considered sexual harassment and because of them there's a fine line between the two. Careful, you may lose your job just by saying "hi" to a female at work.
Man, feminists do a really good job at coming across as man hating lesbians..
Except women knowingly and willingly choose to use their sex appeal for monetary gain while consenting to getting photographed half naked...
It would help if you were actually right before you called me a gross human being? Have I said I hated blacks? Have I expressed in anyway that whites are superior to blacks? I do not believe so. Telling people to stop being a baby and crying about racism, sexism,homophobia every two seconds when it's a trivial…
Reading all of these comments, it makes sense why feminists are the way they are......Daddy issues.
So, if this was about the objectification of women this article would be in agreement with them. Thanks for once again proving how hypocritical and idiotic feminists are.
If we can't force women to get an abortion, then we shouldn't be forced to financially support it.
So feminists ask a guy that works for a casting agency who's sole job is to find attractive women questions, only to get pissed? k.
Actually if I found out anyone actually used a thing like this I wouldn't boink them..So
The mere fact they actually had to tell him the name was that backwards is a good enough sign it was a terrible joke
Problem with feminists is you have to be in 110% agreement with them or else they will go ape shit.