
Cheating in most games is really bad, aka CS:GO, Overwatch anything that is competitive multiplayer that gives someone an advantage. Spreading around the joy of rare shinies and items... I can’t be mad at that! Is there some negative repercussions i’m missing?

What’s trolling?

let me tell you, it’s fucking nuts

I can only cosplay as an old man:

In Mexican Tsuru, crumple zones YOU!

As my grandfather would say “they don’t build ‘em like they used to” to which I’d reply “Thank God.”

They pretty much look like regular roofs but glossier.

Ive performed these same maneuvers in a 2001 Explorer and a 2005 Explorer at MUCH higher speeds and didnt even have these issues (I was 18 and invincible). The 2001 had no RSC but my 2005 does.

Everything has to be an issue.

He was there since the beginning!

It’s hard to see when your head is in this position.

Don’t blame the journalists, they’re doing their job. Blame the developers who released this trailer and info months before the game was to be available.

Um... the whole “on a cob” thing is a nod to the show. It’s an obvious reference, albeit one that only fans of the show would get, because taken on its own it doesn’t really make sense. Calling it a ripoff is like saying a spoof movie like Scary Movie or Airplane! is a ripoff because it doesn’t stop and explain to the

New York, Central Park. That is all.

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.

I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.

Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.